Our Footprint


We believe that business sustainability is essential to continue working in the future, which is why operating sustainably is essential for the industry. Under this philosophy, we conduct our sustainability activities to protect the environment, generate economic income and contribute to the development of society.

Our vision of sustainability

We depend on healthy seas to run a healthy business, as they are inseparable. We are committed to demonstrating progress and improvements in environmental issues in an effort to put the harvesting of prickly pear and other species in the Pacific Ocean on a long-term sustainable basis.

Our goal is simple: to put responsible business practices at the heart of all our business activities.

Our commitments

Corporate social responsibility

We are committed to sustainable development through each of the actions we carry out, with the aim of benefiting Ecuadorians by seeking a more just and transparent society.

Leaders in the fishing and shrimp sector!

We are a company that has consolidated itself over the years in the local and international market, which has led us to become leaders in the fishing and shrimp sector. Being a leader entails the responsibility of carrying out operations in a transparent manner, placing Corporate Social Responsibility as a priority, seeking the sustainability of the business both at sea and on land, establishing clear policies with stakeholders, and implementing best practices that generate value both economically, socially and environmentally.

We are also committed to the United Nations Global Compact, which is the largest private sustainability initiative in the world with more than 21,000 member organizations and whose principles seek to build a fairer, more socially united and ecologically more sustainable world. We promote and support gender equality, which is why we subscribe to the WEPs principles and work on the Target Gender Equality Global Program, which seeks to support companies in establishing their principles, in order to implement initiatives that promote gender equality.

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